Can you imagine...
One day you were going about your day and you had an itch on your head. You'd scratch it now and again, and then later notice that it was a bit sore.
The more you scratched, the worse it got. Then you realise that you had some worm growing out of your head. It got bigger and bigger.
You try to run away from the nasty thing, but there is no escape.
It would start taking over your life.
Your girlfriend would think it was you and you would be it's host for EVER AND EVER!
yes, that would be pretty bad.
What if you woke up inside the boot of a car, not knowing where you were or where you were going.
You would hear the car zooming to some unknown location.
Scary huh?
Now, what would make that even worse?
Well, if the car stopped and your captor opened the boot and you saw that it was some kind of tentacled beast who was going to eat you alive.
What if the world stopped turning and there was no gravity.
We would all float off to space, all of us.
All gone.
What if one day, you were running along, enjoying the fresh air..
..and you fell into a hole in the ground. It was a very deep hole in the ground.
So deep that you fell down for half an hour.
And then, at the very bottom of the seemingly endless pit, was a fiery death waiting to burn you up to a crisp.
Or if you woke up to find you were a disgusting bug. Like in some kind of Kafka nightmare.
Well, Last Saturday, something happened to me that should happen to no man.
Something that strikes fear into the heart of many people.
Something so terrible that I could not breathe for the shock was so great.
I was browsing the internets on my iPod when the home button became stuck.
no no no!
why god why?
anything but this!.
I suppose I'll have to get it fixed now.
; )