Friday 14 January 2011

Back to normal and FIRST!

I am over the cold at last.
It hung in there for ages and ages but now at last it has gone away.


Aside from being super busy at the moment, I managed to finish off this animation that has been in the works for a while.

it's called FIRST!

these things take a lot of time and work so I can only manage so much at the moment due to an even bigger project that I and a couple of friends are working on. But I'll have more on that in a while.

I'm just glad I'm not sick anymore.


  1. Brilliant! I loved this short and the music. Great design and a nice feel to the whole thing =0)
    Keep it up. You're going far mate.

  2. wonderful - I would call this style retro-post-8 bit
    what 3d editor did you used?

    happy to see you up and running after the cold
    BTW next time to prevent and fight cold, for absurd will sounds my suggestion, keep your window slightly open during all the day long (I keep it at night as well). Keeping ventilate your room will avoid the stay of dirty infected air keeping you healthy. I'm using this habit from about 5y and never got a cold anymore from that time being.

  3. hey, sorry I missed this comment.
    retro post 8 bit sounds about right to me, I should do a real 8bit animation soon. I do have some ideas for that.

    Not sure about the window open, it's really cold here and my girlfriend would never go for it. Although I have been airing the place out a lot more and it does help a lot. :)
